EMV Chip Card POS Work Around
Below are screenshots of a work around for all the various POS systems that are not yet EMV compliant and costing merchants a fortune in “62 counterfeit card” charge backs. This solution will also work for those merchants that use proprietary POS systems that want to get away from the exorbitant fees charged when you do not have a choice and have to use the POS providers merchant account company.

This is a typical POS home screen. Notice the buttons for the various card types. The work around button is the newly added EMV button. Instead of using the card type buttons (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover) you will now use the EMV button and enter credit cards through a separate device.
This is a restaurant example of the screen where you would enter tips. Notice it says EMV at the top of the screen instead of Visa, MC, Amex, Discover.
This is a check out report for a restaurant. Notice sales and tips are shown under EMV button now.